SPES Library: A Bridge to Learning

If you love books, chances are, you love libraries, too. A school library is a structure within the school that houses a collection of books, audio-visual materials, and other contents that serve a common use to meet the scholastic, informative, and recreational needs of the learners. Libraries are places where anything is possible; you can travel the world and uncover hidden mysteries, all inside the walls of a library.

These days, many libraries are in real danger of closing for good. For some, it’s due to a lack of funding, and for others, it’s a lack of public enthusiasm. But not in San Perfecto Elementary School as its library is new and expanding.
The collection of books is not yet that complete, but there are lots it can offer the learners. It is equipped with internet and tablets are ready for learners to use in their research. Thanks to the School’s Learning Resource and ICT school coordinator, Mr. Jemar Anthony M. Abila, as his skills in technology paved the way for learners to view, research, and download the different learning resources using the SPES Portal.
Everybody knows that a library should provide learners with quality fiction and non-fiction books that will encourage them to read more and enrich their intellectual being, cultural, social, and emotional growth. The school library has a positive impact on the academic performance of the learners. It helps them develop the overall skills necessary to succeed in the modern-day digital and social environment.

With the help of the Local Government Unit, the school facilities were improved. The school’s strong partnership with the NGOs was a big help for books and other reading materials. Dominican College, San Juan, and Xavier School donated books for the library. San Juan City Mayor Hon. Francisco Zamora provided tablets and television for more extensive for more extensive learning and experience the learners will have every time they will visit the library. Likewise, smart televisions were installed in all function rooms. Internet is also made available for the learners both in school and in their homes. The library has a strong connection of internet, too. Additional books for references were also given by the Learning Resource Team in the division namely, Ms. Vhia Padilla, Mr. Anthony James Vizmanos, and the LR Supervisor himself, Dr. Jonas Feliciano Domingo.
Meanwhile, Araling Panlipunan Education Supervisor Mr. Orlando Claor shared his expertise to make the library more pleasing. It became a challenge for our school to be part of the division Pilot school library and be the chosen school to experience the BETA testing of the National office for their project portal.
It is important to develop the habit of both the learners and the teachers in visiting the library regularly. It is always available to be the venue for reading interventions, meetings, and LAC sessions. The Alfresco Corner was made for the students to have their interactive activities and applications about Science and Araling Panlipunan. Tablets were installed to have a virtual tour of historical places and events. Science and Math projects, AP dioramas, and other learning resources made by the teachers and the learners were also collected to challenge the learners to achieve and perform both in curricular and co-curricular activities.

To instill among the learners their love for reading, and have a calming, relaxing reading time, SPES teachers also provide the learners with different story books and reading materials like magazines, newspapers, and other teacher-made materials in the reading corner. Also, classrooms became an extension of this because they also put up their own reading corner to help struggling readers. It is truly indeed, a very rewarding to see these changes.
Article Written by:
Teacher II, SPES School Librarian