SES Continues Learning and Development of Teachers Through SLAC

In line with the implementation of Republic Act No.10533, or the Enhanced Enclosed Policy on The Learning Action Cell (LAC) as a K to 12 Basic Education Program School-Based Continuing Professional Development Strategy for Improvement of Teaching and Learning, the conduct of SLAC in behalf of the teachers needed priority in the areas of professional development has become a necessity. DepEd fully supports the continuing professional development of its teaching personnel based on the principle of lifelong learning and DepEd’s commitment to the development of teachers’ potential aimed toward their success in the profession. This can be done through the school-based LAC, which primarily functions as a professional learning community for teachers that will help them improve practice and learner achievement.

Salapan Elementary School (SES) successfully conducted its LAC session in the school headed by the humble and understanding and newly assigned School Head, Cesar Camayra. The Core team of said LAC is composed of our Master Teacher I, Mr. Anthony Q. Aguilar (chairman) and SLAC Master Teacher In-Charge, Mrs. Jennifer C. Dimalanta (co-chairman). The program formally started with a nationalistic song and was followed by prayer through an audio-visual presentation. The faculty and non-teaching staff learned an insight through the message of our School Head, Cesar A. Camayra. Master Teacher I, Mrs. Ma. Lalaine C. Queda, gave her welcome remarks and followed by the statement of purpose of Jennifer C. Dimalanta, SLAC Master Teacher In-Charge. Miss Angelic Tecson, presented all the participants in all grade levels including the non-teaching staff. To energize the participants, Mr. Jojo C. Valdez led the energizer through dancing.

The guest speaker, Mark John G. Ortiz, discussed the policies and guidelines on Child Protection Policy in relation to Child Abuse Law and Anti-Bullying Law and the proper legal procedures for handling instances of bullying and child abuse.
These were some of the salient points taken from the discussion:
Proper and correct procedures in handling bullying and child abuse complaints in school based on the DepEd guidelines.
Teachers exercise special parental authority over all students whether in elementary or high school inside the school premises.
Child abuse refers to habitual maltreatment, whether psychological, psychological, emotional, or sexual abuse.
The State shall protect the right of children to assistance, including proper care and nutrition, and special protection from all forms of neglect, abuse, cruelty, exploitation, and other conditions prejudicial to their development.
DepEd shall ensure that schools are a safe place for the education of children. The best interest of the child shall be the paramount consideration in all decisions and actions involving children.
DepEd’s zero tolerance policy for any act of child abuse, exploitation, violence, discrimination, bullying, and other forms of abuse.
“Authority and responsibility shall apply to all authorized activities whether inside or outside the premises of the school….”
The use of corporal punishment in the halls of learning is condemned. Flogging, even of the most hardened criminals, has long been abandoned as a form of punishment in penal institutions. So it must also be in the schools. Respect for human personality cannot be instilled in the minds of children when teachers choose to defile the human body by whipping it.
Beating a child to make him remember his lesson well is reminiscent of the days when slavery was fashionable and instruments of torture were symbols of authority.
The inhumane dictum of eras past "Spare the rod and spoil the child" had been deposed by the compassionate precept expressed in Article 352 of the Civil Code and Section 150 of the Revised Service Manual of the Bureau of Public Schools.
Not every instance of the laying of hands on a child
Constitutes child abuse under RA 7610.
Mere shouting of invectives at a child, when carelessly done out of anger, frustration, or annoyance, does not constitute Child Abuse under RA 7610, absent evidence, that the utterance of such words was specifically intended to debase, degrade, or demean, the victim’s intrinsic worth and dignity.
Under the law and existing jurisprudence, an offer to compromise in a criminal case is an implied admission of guilt.
Violation of RA 7610 may give rise to.
"three-fold liability rule”
It was a great experience learning new things which are necessary and crucial to the teaching profession and those incidental matters which affect the profession.
Article Written by:
Jojo C. Valdez
Teacher I - Salapan Elementary School