SDO-SJC pax attends refresher course for investigators
The Schools Division Office (SDO) San Juan City participated in the three-day refresher course for investigators of the National Capital Region on October 9-12, 2022 at the Subic Bay Travelers Hotel along with the other representatives from the region. The division administrative officer Mr. Allan Eliezer M. Mal-in led the San Juan City delegates comprising of the English Supervisor, Marnelli B. Tolentino, MAPEH Supervisor Dr. Leonardo P. Dagum,Jr., and Mark John Ortiz of San Juan Elementary School as the teacher representative.
This event was organized by the legal officers in the region in cooperation with the other legal officers in the different schools division offices as part of the capacity-building efforts to empower the division personnel in handling legal cases emanating from the schools and learning centers. It also afforded the participants the opportunity to understand the basic concepts on handling legal cases involving teaching and non-teaching personnel in the Department.
Interestingly, the seminar included simulation activities that walked through the process of conducting Formal Investigation and possible scenarios that may arise from the field which gave opportunities for the participants to clarify the protocols and procedures from the resource persons.
Fortunately, the team from SDO San Juan was one of the three group presenters tasked to simulate a scenario where the person being complained is not present and the lawyer in attendance is not the official one. This created a fruitful discussion among the audience and the legal officers of the different schools division offices gave their insights about the situation. There was a session that featured the handbook initiated by the SDO Mandaluyong that guided their supervisors and assigned personnel that empowered them to handle their cases with competence and confidence.
Here are some snapshots of the event that happened.
Article written by:
Marnelli B. Tolentino
Education Program Supervisor - English