Moving-up Ceremonies punctuate a meaningful 2022 for the ALS learners
This academic year has really been a roller coaster ride for administrators, Alternative Learning System (ALS) implementers, students, and other stakeholders. Problems and shortcomings may have been experienced yet, these people collectively struggled to hurdle the challenges and achieve the desired end-result.
July 23, 2022 was the schedule of the learners’ Moving-up Ceremony for both elementary and junior high school completers. It started with a simple Thanksgiving Mass held at St. John the Baptist Parish at around 7 in the morning. The learners, together with their teachers and instructors as well as the mass presider, Fr. Cruz, thanked the Lord for a challenging yet successful academic year.
The Commencement Exercises followed the Thanksgiving Mass. This happened at the San Juan Gym at around 8:30 in the morning and was attended by some of the esteemed government officials and administrators from DepEd San Juan. Students assembled at the ground floor of the San Juan Gym accompanied by their respective teachers. They were followed by the parade of the ALS implementers, DepEd San Juan Administrators and Officials, and the local government officials of the City of San Juan. The program started with the singing of the National Anthem, prayer, singing of the San Juan City Hymn, and Hymn of the Division of San Juan City. The introduction of completers from the elementary and junior high school levels came next and were eventually announced as graduates from their respective levels by the Chief Superintendent of DepEd San Juan. The distribution of diplomas ensued right after.
Inspirational messages were also given by some respective local government officials of the City of San Juan. Selected students also gave their thanksgiving speech and whole-heartedly commended their batch mates and teachers for a challenging yet, successful learning experience. It was then followed with the final part of the ceremony that featured the singing of their graduation song entitled, “MaPa” that touched the very core of the audience. The scene proved to be heartwarming for the spectators at the venue as the learners gave pieces of roses to people who supported them throughout their journey.
To sum, the moving-up ceremony of the Elementary and Junior High School completers from the different community learning centers from San Juan City punctuated the success of another meaningful year for the ALS learners. Congratulations and Mabuhay!
The following are pictures taken during the ceremonies:
Article Written by:
Eduardo C. Tungul III
ALS Instructional Manager
Corazon de Jesus Community Learning Center