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Gawad Parangal 2022 tightens the knot among ALS Champions

“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” This quotation of Nelson Mandela wants to inspire and encourage the learners to live better and become excellent leaders in their lives.

The maximum implementation of Alternative Learning System (ALS) in San Juan City, NCR has been possible with the help of the Local Government Unit (LGU) of San Juan City and other internal and external stakeholders. The ALS-San Juan City conducted the Gawad Parangal 2022 that aims to recognize the exemplary and outstanding performance and accomplishments of every barangay in San Juan City.

The said event was carefully planned with the ALS team of San Juan City headed by the Division ALS Focal Person Erwin C. Dela Cruz, together with the School Principal assigned in ALS, Mr. Dennis M. Bacle, Curriculum Implementation Division (CID) Chief Dr. Helen G. Padilla, Assistant Schools Division Superintendent Dr. Buenafe E. Sabado, and Schools Division Superintendent Dr. Cecille G. Carandang.

Gawad Parangal is a Search for Outstanding Barangay to give recognition to the continuous display of support and dedication in providing quality services and gestures of commitment in achieving the excellence of their respective role as a partner of the Alternative Learning System (ALS).

It had three (3) stages: the first was pre – implementation stage in which planning and coordination meetings with SDO Key Official and ALS implementers were held; second was the implementation in which the launching of 2022 ALS Gawad Parangal was done; and the third was the post – implementation in which evaluation of the activity was made. With the guidelines and objectives sent to every barangay, they attentively followed all the stages stated along with the technical and documentary requirements.

August 12, 2022, Gawad Parangal was successfully done, and all deserving barangays were awarded in different categories like the Best Community Learning Center Award and Zero Out-of-School-Youth (OSY) and Out-of-School-Children (OSC) Award. The barangay community learning center that got the award of most Functional Community Learning Center was Barangay Pasadena, followed by Barangay West Crame and Barangay Addition Hills. For Zero OSY and OSC Award, the First Place was Barangay Batis, followed by Barangay Balong Bato and Barangay Sta. Lucia.

The said awarding was held at Pinaglabanan Elementary School, attended by the City Vice Mayor Waren Villa, City Councilors Kit Peralta and Herbert O. Chua, all the Barangay Chairpersons and their respective Kagawad for Education and SK Chairpersons, and the division key officials headed by the Schools Division Superintendent Dr. Cecille G, Carandang, Asst. Schools Division Superintendent Dr. Buenafe E. Sabado, the Principal assigned in ALS Mr. Dennis M. Bacle, Division ALS Focal Person Erwin C. Dela Cruz, ALS Mobile Teachers, ALS Implementers, and the BJMP Male and Female Wardens as they are ALS partners.

Indeed, it was a success. We together knot a tie to strengthen the ALS program in San Juan City. Let us all pursue that no one shall be left behind.

The following shows the snapshots of the different activities leading to the ALS Gawad Parangal:

Initial Assessment

Final Assessment

Awarding Day

ALS Gawad Parangal 2022

1st Place - Barangay Pasadena Most Functional CLC

2nd Place - Barangay West Crame Most Functional CLC

3rd Place - Barangay Addition Hills Most Functional CLC

Barangay Batis Zero OSY - 1st Place

Barangay Balong Bato Zero OSY and OSC Awardee - 2nd Place

Barangay Sta. Lucia Zero OSY And OSC Awardee - 3rd Place

Article Written by:

Hergielyn G. Cerrodo

ALS Mobile Teacher



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