ELLN Training for the Newbies, Part of the LCRP
As part of the continuing thrust to strengthen the literacy and numeracy skills of the learners, the Schools Division Office (SDO) San Juan City, through its Curriculum Implementation Division (CID) conducted the Early Language Literacy and Numeracy (ELLN) Training for the set of newly-hired teachers who have not yet participated in the series of roll-out sessions made in the last two years. Dubbed as "ELLN for the Untrained Teachers, Hamon: Bawat Bata Bumabasa", the division focal persons arranged for the schedule to accommodate the identified 17 teachers from the nine public elementary schools on October 1, 8, and 15, 2022 at the SDO Conference Hall. With the assessment data that the Division got illustrating the academic performance of learners from the Key Stage 1 (Kinder to Grade Three), it was a necessary step to ensure that teachers at the primary level understood basic principles and be exposed to strategic pedagogy for early literacy and numeracy skills.
In her inspirational message, Schools Division Superintendent Dr. Cecille G. Carandang reiterated the context of the learning recovery and continuity for this year as everyone is bent to address the learning loss and gaps brought about by the prolonged school closures due to the COVID-19 pandemic. She further mentioned, “The Office will support you through the relevant technical assistance and the strong presence of our instructional leaders until we reach our target of no child left behind here in the historical city of San Juan.”
Early in the schedule, Magdalena S. Rosopa, Master Teacher II from Pinaglabanan Elementary School and a long-time Regional and National Trainer on Literacy Instruction, provided the 3 B's Framework or the Bawat Bata Bumabasa through which the reading programs in school are situated. She also discussed Phonological Awareness in terms of instructional priority and its corresponding strategies. This was followed shortly by the Kindergarten Supervisor, Dr. Ma. Lucila G. Anatalio, who talked about the Early Grade Reading Assessment (EGRA) and Beginning Reading Checklist as a means to do an assessment. In the afternoon, Filipino Supervisor, Eulafel C. Pascual, facilitated the session on Comprehension with emphasis on the writing component as this proved to be one of the least mastered skills in the survey done in the previous school year. She asked the participants to do impromptu acting and interactive games for the strategies and prompted them to design writing activities as a way to check comprehension of the narrative texts discussed. She, then, invited them to do a group writing activity on lesson planning to ensure the integration of comprehension strategies and assessment as she discussed in her opening session.
Meanwhile for Day 2, the English Supervisor, Marnelli B. Tolentino, presented the survey result which indicated the need to focus on Vocabulary Instruction. She ran a session that looked into the explicit and implicit ways to teach vocabulary and eventually featured the Frayer Model as a particular approach to doing it. In the afternoon, Clarissa Joy A. Insigne and Pheljoy T. Macavinta, both teachers from San Juan City Science High School, facilitated the use of manipulative materials in tackling numeracy concepts. They demonstrated how elementary teachers could use the colored magnets and tower of Hanoi for particular competencies for the children to fully understand complex ideas in concrete terms.
For Day 3, the participants were made to do demonstration teaching highlighting the strategies presented. Mary Jean Contado of Pedro Cruz Elementary School, served as the demonstration teacher for Kinder, Jayza O. Justiniana of Salapan Elementary School for Filipino, and Daniella Marie V. Bungag of West Crame Elementary School, for English. The remaining participants were grouped early on according to their preferences and featured their own set of manipulative materials in Mathematics to show how these could be used for specific competencies. All demonstration teachings had their respective post-conference session that enabled both the participants and supervisors to raise concerns relative to the topic. It became an open forum to clarify the principles of ELLN that were targeted. Dr. Helen G. Padilla, the CID Chief, also added her insights as she provided the challenge to the participants during the Closing Program.

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Education Program Supervisor - English