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SDO San Juan City Conducts Competency Enhancement on RA 9184 and its 2016 Implementing Rules and Reg

“You cannot manage what you do not know, and you cannot manage what you cannot control,” a quote from Mr. Adonis R. Barraquias, one of the speakers said from the recently concluded activity entitled, “Competency Enhancement on RA 9184 and its 2016 Implementing Rules and Regulations and other GPPB Issuances for Schools Division Office HOPE and Bids and Award Committee (BAC)” held last 13 September 2019 at Schools Division Office San Juan City. It was perhaps the most meaningful statement during the course of the activity that recapitulates the need for our total commitment in adherence to the Department of Education’s thrust of transparent, ethical and accountable governance in the Schools Division Office (SDO) particularly on procurement processes.

It can be recalled that a similar activity was also conducted last July, 2016, by this time, however, the seminar-workshop aims to provide participants new and updated information on modernization, standardization and regulation of the procurement activities of the Government and to disseminate legal basis pertaining to transparency, accountability and ethical standards.

Two speakers were invited to lead the discussions on standards in procurement law, the procurement processes, documentations, and monitoring strategies applicable for schools and division office. Mr. Adonis R. Barraquias, Chief Administrative Officer, Contract Management Division of DepEd Central Office discussed the i) Standard Bidding Procedures for Goods and Infrastructure Projects; and ii) Alternative Methods of Procurement Annex H of 2016 Revised Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR) and other updates. Mr. Ricardo C. Ramirez, on the other hand, a current BAC member from the Schools Division Office of Malabon City shared about BAC Secretariat Duties and Responsibilities based from his experiences as a long time BAC member. While, Mrs. Flordeliza D. Pereyra our OIC-Assistant Schools Division Superintendent and BAC Chairperson served as our third speaker, she focused on SDO San Juan Procurement Planning and Monitoring.

Our OIC-Schools Division Superintendent, Dr. Alejandro G. Ibañez on his opening message put firm emphasis on his leadership goal in establishing a competent and professional BAC Members, BAC Secretariat and Technical Working Group in SDO San Juan through sustainable training programs and activities. He stated that seminars and training programs are very important in an organization because it serves as one predictor in attaining and measuring quality of service.

The activity started at 8:30 in the morning and ended at around 5:00 in the afternoon, it was held at SDO San Juan Conference Hall which was actively participated on by Members of Public Schools and SDO San Juan Bids and Awards Committees including the Technical Working Group and its Secretariat.

Article written by:

Michael P. Rull (Project Development Officer II - LRMS)

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