Validation of the Contextualized Curriculum Learning Materials in Mathematics for Grades 1-10

In any endeavor, the validation of outputs is usually one of the toughest to undertake not to mention tedious. Not only will it decide the usefulness of the outputs but it will also describe, in much deeper sense, the objective of the entire project. Were the objectives of the project achieved? Were efforts really exerted? Was it timely to come up with these materials knowing there arelots available online and offline? All these have to be addressed to monitor its validity.
As part of the project in developing learning materials in Mathematics for Grades 1-10, teachers from all public schools of the Division of San Juan came together once again and provedthat with united effort, a ‘miracle’ can be achieved. When the entire idea was first brought to their attention, it was met with mixed emotions. Some were excited, hesitant or curious, as it was something new. Most were familiar with trainings, seminar or workshop but the terms ‘writeshop’ or ‘validation’ were quite unique. Then when they were told to develop learning materials to be used for weekend classes, it made them realize that it should be at par with what students are accustomed to. That became a huge challenge as the expectations were high. Now, since all materials were finished and ready, it was time to validate their outputs. Using the tools suggested by the Learning Resources Management and Development System (LRMDS) office headed by Mr. Orlando Claor, writers were made to reconsider their work. There were technicalities to watch out for, not to mention copyright or IPR (Intellectual Property Rights) concerns. Those issues had to be addressed by the writers which made them go over the material all over again.This way, they can be sure that the outputs meet the standards and that it may be used by more students.
The 3-day validation started at the SDO where theOpening Program was smoothly led by Ms. May Ann Foronda. An audio-visual presentation was used in singing of the National Anthem and Prayer. This was followed by the presentation of participants as actively led by Mrs. Ajigida Abelende making use of mathematical expressions to determine the number of claps to be performed by the participants. Mr. Orlando Claor made use of the opportunity to explain the points to be addressed during the ‘validation’ stage. He mentioned that once successfully passed, there is a possibility that finished outputs will be uploaded on the Learning Resources portal which will be accessed nationwide by countless educators. Dr Alejandro Ibañez, OIC, SDS, mentioned that it was such a huge endeavor yet he saw the faces of the writers with that sense of accomplishment. Being a Math educator, he is well aware of the prevailing conditions in the field so any learning material that will augment any gap in the education process is very much welcome.
The process continued with a 2-day stay at LindenSuites to the delight of the writers. There were still many things to do still yet they found ways to enjoy the amenities of the place even for some brief moments. During the closing program on the last day, some were asked for their opinion about the whole process. Ms. Esperanza Britanico mentioned that it was a huge sacrifice on everyone’s part since weekends are usually time spent at home and with family. However, with dedication and positivity, everyone can already see the end of the journey which heightened theirsense of accomplishment. Ms. Belen Dizor said that whatever was spent on the project was all worth it and that it was something all should be proud of. Ms. Ajigida Abelende revealed that for many, it was also time for personal chores but being a worthy project that it was, everybody gladly took part and set aside many things. Ms. Marytess Doctor cited that since they all have that sense of obligation for anything they started, writers pushed on and took the challenge even if it meant lesser time with family. Mr. Lexter De Belen was so grateful for the opportunity and took the chance to say so. Mr. Oliver Baltazar commented that even after a year away from San Juan, he still found his way back and was glad to be given the chance to learn with the new experience. All these were responded to by Ms. Flordelisa Pereyra who acknowledged all the points mentioned by the participants. In addition, she was happier for the group since many were curious of the whole project and since Math has taken the lead, she took the opportunity to acknowledge the great effort exerted by Mrs. Helen S. Acedo, the pride of San Juan Math family. She mentioned on what more can she ask for from the group since this project is already nearing its fruition. She ended by saying that allhad done a great job worthy to be emulated by most, if not by all. This was followedby the commitment led by Ms. Lucila Anatalio who made everyone took a solemn oath that they will continue with much passion and dedication.
As a whole, the entire experience as a writer can be described as back- breaking since encoding questions, answers, explanations, illustrations or drawings, enough for six sessions was no easy feat. Also, in Math there are many necessary symbols not seen on the keyboard hence, it takes a lot of time and expertise to find them and position it properly on the material. It can be nerve wracking to meet deadlines and expectations. There was also the concern of being original as protected by the copyright law. As many educators would experience, the samples on books are not enough so they have to find more in the internet or other resources. In doing so, they tend to develop that knack of making questions on their own and writing all these on notebook they keep for years. Such notes proved to be very helpful for this project as they tend to forget which were the ones taken from the net or other resources and which were their original. Also, answering all the questions with the corresponding explanations and even illustrations, was more thana brain and hand exercise. Nevertheless, it was still a fun learning experience. It allowed them to know more members of the Math family. It was small in size yet many were tasked with too many things at their local stations so it was rare for them to really meet and get to know each other. This was a golden opportunity for all of them. There were many times where they exchanged ideas, information, and extended technical help to make things easier. In the end, writers kept in mind the insights and the friendships gained out of this project to be continually motivated and dedicated to the task. They asked themselves, “If they won’t do it, who will? If it won’t happen now, when?” It was never for personal gain but for the learners. Theactivity ended on a positive disposition, that in San Juan, everybody can.
Photos from the event.
Article written by:
Liberty D. Quirino (San Juan National High School)