HEAR the colors of Life, Everyone is Included

An American author named Helen Keller once said, “Blindness cuts us from things, but deafness cuts us from people”.
It’s true that communication is the best way to get along with other people. Communication becomes the bridge in order to exchange feelings, and thoughts, but, it becomes hard without the ability of hearing. It’s harder to communicate when the other side is not able to listen well, it can result into a communication mismatched.
The San Juan National High School, with the support of City Government of San Juan, finds a way to help students who have difficulty in hearing. This effort will help hearing-impaired students to somehow hear clearly.
In Celebration of the Deaf Awareness Week last November 19, 2018, Free Hearing Screening and Assessment Test Activity were conducted at the San Juan Conference Hall, San Juan City. Eleven grade 7 students from San Juan National High School were screened and assessed on their hearing difficulties using a device called Audiometer. Out of the eleven, seven students were diagnosed with moderate to profound hearing loss, which means that the students are unable to hear sounds between 20dB to 40dB.
Those students will receive their hearing aids as promised by our sponsors NuGEN HEARING DEVICES, INC. and Mr. RIZALINO R. SANCHEZ, Chief of the Information Education and Communication Division for the National Council on Disability Affairs this coming March 2019.
The success of this activity was brought about by the collaboration of our Local Government of the City of San Juan, San Juan National High School, and Volunteer Doctors From San Juan Medical Hospital and Our Lady of Lourdes Hospital. It really feels good to witness people working together to extend help to others especially with learners who have difficulty in hearing. The student recipients are expected to improve their academic performance once their hearing impairment are corrected.
The activity will not be possible without the help of the following: People with Disability Affairs Office (PDAO) San Juan headed by Mr. Josher M. Leyson, Mark Anthony Dela Cruz (PDAO- Focal person) who happened to be my advisory class student during his 4th year High School. To our dear Principal MR. CESAR C. CAMAYRA for supporting and allowing us to participate in this event.
Student being inspected by a certified ENT Students who attended the audiometry hearing test
Infographics about the state of your hearing Student being inspected by a certified ENT
Article written by:
Melanny Fernandez (Teacher III, SJNHS)