Supervisors revisit their mandate through the ILP

SDO San Juan sent seven supervisors to the Batch 2 Module 1 of the Instructional Leadership Program (ILP) on April 22 – 29, 2018 at the Eurotel Hotel North EDSA. Mrs. Eulafel C. Pascual (Filipino), Mrs. Helen S. Acedo (Math), Mrs. Marnelli B. Tolentino (English), Dr. Emma A. Sendiong (Guidance/Values Education), Dr. Victoria M. Parambita (Araling Panlipunan), Mrs. Elsa L. Gella (SPED), and Mr. Orlando D. Claor (LRMDS) attended the said event along with the other supervisors in the different divisions. This program was envisioned to capacitate the Education Program Supervisors and Public Schools District Supervisors in developing or enhancing their instructional leadership competences in order to perform their duties and responsibilities in providing technical assistance. The terminal output of this training program is an Application Project which will be carried out by pair or cluster depending on the configuration of the teams to be decided by the respective divisions.
The ILP tapped some of the best superintendents, assistant superintendents, and selected supervisors in the region to serve as the resource speakers and facilitators. The participants were divided into three classes in order to manage the sessions well. Some were done in plenary while others were conducted in simultaneous sessions. The classes were further divided into smaller groups for easier management of learning as leaders and resource managers were assigned to help facilitate the class. Feedback mechanisms were in place as the daily quality assurance team checked on the online evaluation portal and the posting of parking space for unresolved issues. All participants were given a reflection journal for their insights to synthesize the highlights of the seminar.
Some highlights included the following: Session 1 – Leading from Within. Dr. Roger R. Morallos, EPS from HRDD-NCR said, “We build on our core gifts to make substantial impact as instructional leaders.” He emphasized that self-awareness creates a strong impact to leadership as a leader banks on one’s strengths in dealing with various activities without losing sight of the organizational goals. Session 2 – Unique leader in me was facilitated by Dr. Jenilyn Rose B. Corpuz, SDS of Manila. It talked about the articulations of one’s vision as a leader. She led the participants to reflect on the ways by which they can grow their influence in the context of organizational goals. The discourse, priming activities, and videos shown helped them situate themselves as supervisors in their field. Meanwhile, session 3 – Leading with a heart was handled by the superintendent of SDO-Pasay, Dr. Evangeline R. Ladines. She reiterated, “Purpose should shape your obedience.” Her topic allowed the participants to clarify their values and how these connect with their roles as instructional leaders. Mr. Virgilio A. Santos, CID Chief of San Juan gave the next session entitled Curriculum Framework and Standards. It invited attention to curriculum standards, pedagogies, and assessment which should enable supervisors to direct their efforts on how they can lend strategic support in ensuring effective learning deliver. He said, “Supervision is done to improve instruction.”
Moreover, the acting superintendent of Marikina, Ms. Sherryl Gayola talked about Instructional Leadership Styles and Teamwork for session 5. It explored the conditions that can create the culture of collaboration while caring to see the leadership styles that work well in a specific context. Dr. Benjamin Samson, superintendent of SDO Valenzuela facilitated session 6 – Embracing the DepEd’s Vision-Mission-Values. It aimed to revisit the understanding of the fundamental tenets that govern all actions, decisions, and perspectives in the Department. It also pushed the participants to look back on how these things manifest in concrete terms that put Filipino learners at the core in the global landscape of education. The next session focused on Understanding the 21st century learners, teachers, and school heads by the SGOD Chief of SDO-Muntinlupa, Dr. Nerissa R. Lomeda. It alerted the supervisors to the many ways on how they can bring the outside world in the classroom while looking at the diverse needs of the learners, teachers, and school heads. It reminded them to review their paradigms so they don’t lose sight of their mandate and deep emotional why. Furthermore, Regional Director Mr. Wilfredo Cabral graced the event with a plenary talk on Revisiting the roles and functions of the instructional leaders. He narrated the Newton’s law of inertia and its implication to the field when he said, “If you keep on doing what has been done, you’ll always get the same results.” His session explored ways by a supervisor can arrive at the desired outcomes as articulated in one’s key result areas and clarified issues in the field as to the boundaries and interfacing of the PSDSs and EPSs. The next talk was given by Dr. Carleen S. Sedilla, Acting Assistant Superintendent of SDO-TAPAT who focused on the K to 12 Pedagogies and Assessment. She dealt with a list of teaching strategies and authentic assessments on the premise of constructivism where students get to have that sense of ownership to their learning. The topic on Inclusive Education and Special Curriculum Programs were facilitated in plenary by CID Chief of San Juan, Mr. Virgilio A. Santos. It called for a deeper commitment to be engaged with the advocacy campaigns of the different programs presented. He said that it is not enough that access is provided to these special learners but likewise the assurance that quality is also in place.
Another equally important session was on Contextualization of Learning Resources and On Using the Enhanced Learning Resources Portal with Mr. Neil Vincent Sandoval, LRMDS supervisor from SDO-Makati. It unpacked the narratives of contextualization and how these can create high impact learning to students. It zeroed in on learning resource portals as a platform to bridge the gaps in the field. Assistant Superintendent Dr. Alejandro Ibanez of SDO-Manila talked about the rudiments of Action Research and how this can be utilized in addressing the identified issues in the field for the provision of technical assistance. A mini-workshop ensued that looked into some useful tips to process action researches done by teachers so supervisors can be more relevant in their conduct of duty as instructional leaders.
The seminar culminated on the dynamics of the application project which was discussed by the training management team of the Human Resource Development Division (HRDD) of the region under Dr. Felicino Trongco as the Chief. The timeline was presented and the different legal bases and implications of the said project were also highlighted. It challenged the participants to come up with relevant concept papers and application project before the scheduled module 2 of the training program in May. It was hoped that supervisors would heed that call in keeping with the instructional leadership program designed to develop or enhance their competence and increase their confidence in the conduct of their duty.
To close, former Undersecretary Lino Rivera’s words reverberate in their midst as his principle dictates that perfection is not the goal but continuous improvement.
DepEd San Juan delegates posed with their CID Chief Mr. Virgilio A. Santos during his talk on Curriculum Frameworks. Seen above are the members of Team Excited of Class 1 during a breakout session.
Dr. Jenilyn Rose B. Corpuz, superintendent of SDO-Manila facilitated on the topic, “Leading from within.” Seen below is a sweeping shot of the participants during the plenary session.
Adult learning was evident all throughout the training program as activities were done and processing ensued which fleshed out insights from the participants. Mr. Neil Sandoval, EPS-LRMDS of SDO Makati embarked on the rudiments of contextualization for the learning resources.
Mr. Virgilio A. Santos, CID Chief of SDO San Juan, served as the resource speaker for Curriculum Frameworks as he emphasized the interfacing of Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment. On the right side showed a snapshot of the leadership styles as presented by Dr. Jenilyn Rose B. Corpuz, SDS of SDO Manila.
Seen above are pictures from Mr. Santos’ talk on Inclusive Education and Ms. Sherryl Gayola, acting superintendent of SDO-Marikina as she tackled the implications of different leadership styles that promote the spirit of teamwork in the field.
Article written by:
Mrs. Marnelli B. Tolentino (Education Program Supervisor for English)