The Ceremonial Turn-Over of Instructional Materials, Office Supplies and ICT Equipment was held on March 8, 2018 at the Covered Court of Pinaglabanan Elementary School. Dr. Joel T. Torrecampo, OIC-SDS and Mrs. Flordelisa D. Pereyra, OIC-ASDS, received these packages from Hon. Guia G. Gomez, City Mayor of San Juan. These items were sourced from School Education Fund (SEF).
Dr. Joel T. Torrecampo, CESE, Officer-In-Charge, Office of the Schools Division Superintendent delivered the Welcome Remarks and Statement of Purpose. In his message, he underscored that the Local Government Unit plays vital role in maintaining and sustaining the quality education in San Juan City by providing state-of-the-art educational materials and needs of our school children thru the initiative of our very supportive city mayor.
Mayor Guia G. Gomez delivered an inspirational message. In her speech, she shared before the audience that our city once again received the most coveted award, 2017 Seal of Good Local Governance. The award covers excellence in Financial Administration, Disaster Preparedness, Environmental Management, Social Protection, Peace and Order and Tourism, Culture and Arts. Mayor Guia reiterated that her administration prioritizes education for San Juaneño. She believes that this is the greatest legacy that she could give to them. She also mentioned that the Local Government Unit does not purchase directly any instructional or educational materials without consulting first the Schools Division Office, this is a form of respect and support that they give to DepEd San Juan.
The Ceremonial Turn-Over followed immediately after the messages. Each school through the School Heads received the instructional materials, office supplies and ICT Equipment. Mayor Guia Gomez was assisted by Dr. Joel T. Torrecampo, Mrs. Flordelisa D. Pereyra, OIC-ASDS and Mr. Virgilio A. Santos, CID Chief during the distribution of these packages.
To manifest appreciation of support, a Tribute to the LGU of San Juan City through heartwarming song and messages from SPG Representative from Pinaglabanan Elementary School, GPTA Representative, Mrs. Grace Peroño, Mr. Wyeth Jo M. Caduan, SJCPETA President, were dedicated to her.
The activity was attended by the School Heads , Education Program Supervisors, SGOD Personnel, teachers, parents and students.
Dr. Juphet A. Capuyan, School Head of Pinaglabanan Elementary School and Mr. Erwin C. Dela Cruz served as the Masters of Ceremony.
Photos from the Turn-over Ceremony:
Article written by:
Dr. Emma A. Sendiong (Education Program Supervisor for Guidance/EsP)