Learning Resource Management & Development System (LRMDS) conducts Library Benchmarking

The Curriculum Implementation Division – Learning Resources Management Section- conducted a Library Benchmarking at some chosen public and private libraries within the city of San Juan namely; the Immaculate Concepcion Academy, Dominican College Library, the City Library and San Juan National High School Library. The said activity was held last July,14 2017 from 8:00-5:00 PM.
The participants in this activity were teacher librarians from Elementary and Secondary School. The benchmarking activity aims to identify and adapt innovative ideas in marketing limited resources for teachers and students, expose teacher-librarians with the latest trend and practices in the operation of the school libraries and embrace best practices to serve all clients efficiently and effectively.
The teachers are amazed of what they have seen in the private schools’ library facilities and resources. The different areas and sections of the library are being utilized by the library users. There were programs designed by the librarian monthly to attract their students to come to the library for scholastic readings contest, story telling, film showing, board games, celebrating the national book month, library exhibits, promoting their new acquired books, peddle a book program, culminating activities awards giving tokens to students who are top borrower and others. On the last destination of the benchmarking in SJNHS library, the teachers gathered for a short meeting and to answer the guide questions on benchmarking facilitated by the Division Librarian. She also reiterated the DepEd Order No.56 s.2011; that aims to improve the access, usage, administration, management of library collections and to be adopted by all libraries nationwide. She also cited the duties and responsibilities of a Librarian, she mentioned that the heads of the schools have designated librarian in the position to overseer the school library; she encouraged teachers to be more responsible and be patient in dealing with the library users, to encourage and motivate, and be a part of their reading development as they promote the love of reading to their post.
Benchmarking activity is a tool to motivate and inspire the teacher-librarians in developing and improving public school libraries operation and services within the K to 12 programs of the Department of Education in achieving quality education.
This is the first benchmarking activity of teacher-librarians sponsored by the generous city government office under the mayoralty of our Hon. Mayor Guia G. Gomez. We look for a more programs such as this in the coming years for modernization of our teacher –librarians in promoting the love of reading to the children of San Juan. The activity was successfully attained through the efforts of the LRMDS Division Team and the participants. The Division Librarian is very grateful for the support of the OIC-SDS, Joel Torecampo, CESE, Asst. SDS Ms. Flordeliza Pereyra, CID Chief Mr. Virgilio A. Santos and the rest of the LRMDS team.
Article written by:
Mrs. Vilma T. Padilla (Division Librarian)