The Department of Education, National Capital Region (Dep-Ed- NCR) through the initiative of Curriculum and Learning Management Division (CLMD) conducted the “Capacity Building for Secondary Head Teachers in Edukasyon sa Pagpapakatao (EsP)” last November 13-15, 2016 at the Eurotel Hotel, North EDSA, Quezon City.
The three-day Regional activity was attended by the Education Program Supervisor in Guidance/Values Education, Dr. Emma A. Sendiong together with Mrs. Deborah Joy Salazar (School EsP Coordinator), Mrs. Rosemarie Cuaresma, Ms. Anjanet Giray and Mr. Melchor Odi.
Dr. Roland D. Montes, Regional Education Program Supervisor for Guidance/Values Education and the over-all chair of the program was the discussant for the topic Revisiting Dep-Ed Mandate, Vision, Mission and Core Values.
Some of the topics discussed by the different speakers are as follows; Heart of a Leader, Role of a Head Teacher, Reporting/Synthesis of LAC Session, Localization/Contextualization/Indigenization/, Walkthrough of the Curriculum Guide and Reporting/Synthesis of LAC Session.
The pride of SDO San Juan who is also the current CID Chief –Curriculum Implementation Division (CID), Mr. Virgilio A. Santos was the invited resource speaker for the topic, DO No. 36-Policy and Guidelines Awards and Recognition for the K to 12 Basic Education Program. The Region reserved the topic for him for the reason that he is one of the authors of the above mentioned Dep-Ed Order. During the question and answer portion, some of the participants expressed their appreciation for having him in the program because their queries and concerns regarding the recent guidelines were addressed.
For the Presentation of Learning Materials, SDO San Juan was in partnership with SDO Muntinlupa and the two Divisions presented a Lesson Exemplar in Grade 9.
And before the program formally winded-up, our School Coordinator in EsP, Mrs. Deborah Joy R. Salazar was given the task to lead the Commitment. All the participants received their certificates during the Closing Program.
The SDO San Juan team who attended the Capacity Building of Secondary Head Teachers in Edukasyon sa Pagpapakatao will schedule the re-echo of the activity during the In-Service Training for Teachers (INSET).
Article written by:
Dr. Emma A. Sendiong (Education Program Supervisor - Guidance and Counseling / Values Education)