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100% participation of SDO SJC public schools in the limited F2F classes

Pursuant to the approval by the President of the progressive expansion of face to face (F2F) classes last January 2022 which foremost considered the declaration of alert level 1 status in NCR by the Interagency Task Force for Emerging and Infectious Diseases (IATF-EID), the Department of Education (DepEd) authorized all regional directors to commence the progressive expansion phase of face-to-face classes for both public and private schools following the issuance of DepEd Order No. 17 s. 2022: Guidelines on the Progressive Expansion of Face to Face Classes.

In compliance with the above Order, SDO San Juan City organized the ‘Division Committee on Face-to-Face Learning Modality’ to take charge of screening and preparing schools to safely open for the conduct of in-person classes, considering the following conditions issued under DepEd-DOH Joint Memorandum Circular 001, s. 2021:

  1. Expansion schools have been validated as compliant with the standards of School Safety Assessment Tool (SSAT).

  2. Schools must be located in areas under alert levels 1 and 2 based on the periodic risk assessment by Department of Health.

  3. Schools may already include other grade levels based on the capacity of schools.

  4. Schools or Division must have secured the concurrence of the Local Chief Executive in the City or Municipality where the expansion school is located, and the schools must also have taken the proper coordination with their respective barangay officials.

  5. Students participating in the face-to-face classes must have the written consent of their parents.

  6. Schools are given flexibility in contact time for teaching and learning, provided that meals are not taken in school except during managed recess.

  7. Only vaccinated teachers may participate in the face-to-face classes, and vaccinated learners shall be preferred.

Having met the standards set to allow conduct of in-person classes, the following schools opened their doors one after the other that started in December 2021:

  • Pedro Cruz Elementary School (PCES) – December 6, 2021

PCES, the first school to conduct face-to-face classes in San Juan, initially opened Kindergarten to Grade 3 as part of the pilot schools to participate in the limited face-to-face classes. Led by the School Head, Mr. Demie S. Atienza with his team of teaching and non-teaching personnel, the Barangay Pedro Cruz Council supported by the San Juan City local government headed by City Mayor Francis Javier M. Zamora and Congressman Ronaldo B. Zamora, a total of 86 learners, 8 teachers and 2 non-teaching personnel served as the pilot participants for the initial in-person classes in PCES. On February 9, 2022 PCES expanded its in-person classes to Grades 4 to 6 participated by students.

  • Nicanor Ibuna Elementary School (NIES) - February 15, 2022

A total of 150 students from Kindergarten to Grade 6, 18 teaching personnel and 5 non-teaching personnel participated in the in-person classes, led by their Principal Ms. Marina F. Aunzo.

  • San Juan City Science High School - February 21, 2022

A total of 196 students participated in the in-person classes, led by OIC-School Head, Ms.Helen S. Acedo

  • San Juan City TVL Senior High School - February 21, 2022

A total of 68 students participated in the in-person classes, led by School Head, Ms. Ma. Aileen B. Callorina.

  • Kabayanan Elementary School - February 21, 2022

A total of 161 students participated in the in-person classes, led by School Head, Ms. Hernanda R. Santos.

  • Salapan Elementary School - February 21, 2022

A total of 91 students participated in the in-person classes, led by School Head, Ms. Florence C. Ares.

  • West Crame Elementary School - March 28, 2022

A total of 179 learners participated in the in-person classes, led by School Head, Mr. Roy Dan R. Pido.

  • San Juan National High School - April 25, 2022

A total of 565 students participated in the in-person classes, led by School Head, Mr. Cesar A. Camayra.

  • Pinaglabanan Elementary School - April 25, 2022

A total of 139 students participated in the in-person classes, led by School Head, Mr. Dennis M. Bacle.

  • San Juan Elementary School - April 25, 2022

A total of 204 students participated in the in-person classes, led by School Head, Mr.Lloyd T. Tulaylay.

  • San Juan Academic Senior High School - May 16, 2022

A total of 15 SHS students participated in the in-person classes, led by OIC-School Head, Dr. Rina Angeles.

  • Sta. Lucia Elementary School - May 23, 2022

A total of 33 learners participated in the in-person classes, led by School Head, Mr. Vito L. Mengote.

  • San Perfecto Elementary School - May 23, 2022

A total of 65 learners participated in the in-person classes, led by School Head, Ms. Lucila G. Artuyo.

Overall, a total of 2,151 learners or 16.46% of the 13,069 total learners enrolled in SDO San Juan City public schools for the School Year 2021-2022 participated in the limited face-to-face classes. As a result, San Juan City public schools took part in the 17,479 public and private schools across the country as nominated by the regional offices in their jurisdiction to join the progressive expansion phase of face-to-face classes.

Article Written by:

Harry C. Bajo

Project Development Officer II - DRRM

Schools Division Office - San Juan City



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